
Bonus. I scored two thunderstorms yesterday. The first showed around 8 p.m. The second appeared in the morning at 1 a.m. Although as I write that I realize actually it was one yesterday and one today. Not nearly as impressive when you say it like that. Oh, well. In total they deposited nearly eight tenths of an inch of rain. Hardly enough to get the creeks running or rivers flooding, but certainly enough to be a nice drink for my trees and shrubs. Plus, we’ll get a short reprieve from the 100 degree heat. I will take it.

I’d go through a laundry list of the work I did yesterday, but my gut tells me no one would really care. Partly, because it was all pretty mundane. For instance, I need a new wheel and tire for my zero turn mower. The tire is dry rotting and the wheel suffered from my inattention. The lug nuts came loose, I failed to notice, and consequently the lug holes wallowed out as the wheel rolled around loose. Not pretty. A more detail oriented fellow would have noticed. I took it to my local tire dealer, but its an order from the manufacturer sort of thing. So, I did.

I am now making a note to myself that this is something to check going forward. I suppose that would have been a nice lesson to learn from my father, but I don’t remember ever getting any lessons in the maintenance of any mechanical device. Mainly, I remember that my father loved baseball and his family, the one from which he sprang and the one he was creating. Soft skill sets, for sure, but ones that have enriched my life and made bearable my failings, which are many.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



Sun Days