Sun Days

This will sound weird. But I do believe I’m going to try and work outside more days this summer. For the last several days, I’ve done just that. Yesterday I trimmed a tree away from the back fence, hauled it to the burn pile, and finished mulching a bed beneath the Eve’s Necklace at the end of the drive. Sure. It was hot. I sweated, profusely. But I drank plenty of water, took rest breaks, and it felt good. I’ve come to believe it might be a mistake to hide from the heat, which I’ve done a lot in recent years.

The problem hiding presents is that I find myself in the house with nothing much to do, and the last thing my mind needs is nothing much to do. Basically, it creates a fertile ground for rumination and my mind is off and running. Hard work, sweating, and thinking about the job at hand is the perfect antidote. Good medicine. And since I take medicine every day, what’s one more dose of outside work. It will help me mentally and physically. And make the yard and grounds look great, or at least better.

I’ve got a fence to rebuild, a little shed to put up around my water well, and the old water trough beneath the big oaks needs to be straightened so my water feature can come back into action. None of this will happen unless I lay my two hands on the jobs. And none of this has to happen all at once. It can be a little bit at a time, a piece here a piece there, until the jobs are done, and things are built. And when I think about it, what I’m doing is imagining my future and then making it happen. Feels like a good way to get a little control back into my life.

John W Wilson

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