Sun Shine

Sun damage. A lifetime of it. Had a chunk of my hand dug out on Friday. That was followed by freezer burns to about six or seven spots on my face. I actually lost count as the doctor spritzed. I have a full body scan scheduled for May. I’m a fair-haired boy who worked construction for two summers in high school, at least three years for Ma Bell hanging off telephone lines, plus countless days playing ball. Every day in the summer. Outside.

I’m paying the piper now. But I have skin care products and I’m doing my best to apply them. Of course, aging skin is aging skin, but you can still help it out. I especially appreciate the help in the winter when my dry skin meets dry air and hot showers, and I itch like a fiend. I’m weaning myself away from the hot shower bit, and they say a cold shower does good things to the body. So, I’m giving that a go, too. That’s way harder than you might imagine.

My late wife, by contrast, took excellent care of her skin. Her hands were soft and there were few lines on her face. I should have paid more attention, but there are a lot of things I should have paid attention to while she was alive, so this one can just get in line. Another regret in a line of regrets. But I’m a learning organism so I’m listening to my doctor, applying lotion, and doing everything I can to keep the UV rays at bay. I think I can do it. Actually, I think I better do it. No questions asked. This is no time for fooling around. Tomorrow is closer than I imagine.

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John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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