Thought Lost

Had a bit of a lost friend scare on Wednesday. Got a call that afternoon asking if I’d heard from said friend. I said, no. The lack of communication was of interest because we were meeting the friend on Thursday in Houston to hear music. A hallmark of the friend is his communication prior to such events to talk about the details, such as when are we meeting and so on. We then started talking about the last time we’d hear from him. It was longer than we thought normal. Dad mode kicked in for me.

I volunteered to go to his place in Albert to check on him, and my friend who called volunteered to stop by his Houston abode. I also checked with local friends, raising a bit of an alarm. Finally, I found contact info for folks who worked with him and was told he was having phone troubles but was okay. I didn’t know the folks, so I was only slightly mollified. Then Thursday morning, the friend who called reported a phone message from the thought lost friend. He’d left a note on his door after checking on him. We were happy.

I finally talked to the thought lost friend on Thursday and we had a good laugh about it. We then saw one another Thursday night at the venue. Hugged, hugged the other friends who came, hugged the musician we came to see, and had a good evening. Laughed again and allowed that it was nice to have people who worried about you, especially when you’re a single guy wandering around for work and musical adventures which my friend is. And now things are back to normal, and all is right with the world.

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John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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