Shots, Shots, Shots
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Shots, Shots, Shots

Got my flu shot yesterday. Should have done so in October. I got sidetracked. But, better late than never. I even got the senior dose. Since I just had a bout of COVID I’m semi-protected on that front although the virus is proving highly adaptable with lots of mutations.

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John W Wilson John W Wilson


The rain came. The heat departed. Nice combo. Any wild thing that needed to bloom has bloomed. Any wild thing that needed to feel all green is all green.

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Fighting On
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Fighting On

Day five of my Covid experience. Feeling pretty good. The antiviral meds are making their presence known. I have a funny taste in my mouth. Oh, well. Small price to pay for the help.

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Still Happy
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Still Happy

Had a conversation the other day with a friend who had a tough year in 2022—lost his dad and suffered with long covid. He’s feeling better now, and we talked about that journey to better.

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Vac Day 2
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Vac Day 2

Vaccination day went off without a hitch yesterday. The Covid emptied highways made for easy traveling. The vaccination givers were all in place. I answered questions, had my temperature taken, was handed a sheaf of papers and got my shot.

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