Slow Walks
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Slow Walks

The house is painted. Refreshed. We’re ready for another ten years. Maybe I should sell it. It looks good. But no. I’m going to paint walls on the inside. Do an accent wall, or two. Change things up.

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Looking Ahead
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Looking Ahead

A front blew through, the air chilled, and all my trees have leafed out. It’s canopy time for my yard. That’s nice. My little trees are juveniles.

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John W Wilson John W Wilson


Baby, it’s cold outside. Random song line to describe today’s weather. No point really. It just seemed the thing to do. This tendency toward randomness often happens when I get a good night’s sleep and I got one last night.

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Post Party
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Post Party

It’s a post party morning. The grandkids are asleep on the couch. The daughter is in the upstairs guest room, the room formerly known as my office. The house is quiet. There are clear skies over the pasture.

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New Family
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

New Family

On the road today in Houston. The old hometown. It’s a big day. National Adoption Day. Mark it. I’m participating as a grandpa, supporting my daughter and her husband as they officially tie the knot with two lovely children they’ve fostered for the last three years.

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Rainy Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Rainy Day

It’s raining this morning. The sky is gray. The air is cold. We’ve had nearly an inch of precipitation fall in the last several days. I have been remiss in emptying the gauge and checking the amounts, so I don’t know what came today or what came earlier.

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New Tradition
Grief John W Wilson Grief John W Wilson

New Tradition

Both my teams won yesterday. Collegiate. Professional. I feel good. And I am still at a loss to explain how I missed the Astros in the World Series last year.

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Kids Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Kids Day

I had a multipart strange dream last night. I missed a flight to which I had already checked in and was standing by my assigned seat for a time. I helped a lady and her friend find a rainbow.

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Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson


Walked outside this morning to clouds and a little drizzle. But it’s only a hint of rain, nature’s way of flirting. We’ll see what comes of it.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


Its difficult to fathom the energy put out by two small children when they’re glad to see you.

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Good Morning
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Good Morning

Outside, a soft cold rain is falling. Morning is coming ever so gently into the room. The sink is full of dishes.

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Over the Hills
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Over the Hills

It’s a wonderful fall morning. The air is clear and cold. There’s a scattering of clouds where the morning sun can play. The day feels filled with promise.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


It’s amazing how much energy is bundled up in the body of a child.

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The Sweet Bit
John W Wilson John W Wilson

The Sweet Bit

They’re stringing the lights in the trees at the courtyard of the headquarters of the Pedernales Electric Co-op.

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Two Bags
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Two Bags

Gave two of my wife’s little bags to two little girls yesterday. Nick-knack bags with pink felt flowers and the like.

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New Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

New Day

I was on fire yesterday. The day started with my usual one-mile power walk. Then I fired up my new power washer. Manpower and horsepower.

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Playing Fields
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Playing Fields

I went to a high school junior varsity track meet yesterday. My varsity grand-daughter was running to post some times and warm up for district.

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John W Wilson John W Wilson


Yesterday, I heard the sound of children laughing. I had to pause and listen. They were coming out for lunch, heading to the tables beneath the trees. One of them chased a squirrel. Another called out a shouted admonishment to stop.

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