The Haven
John W Wilson John W Wilson

The Haven

We had a high of 94 yesterday in our little town. Today it is expected to hit 97. But it’s cool this morning, and there are a few clouds about. So, it’s a nice walk around the trees to look at the plants.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


I’m a sucker for blooms. Big, small, in between. It makes no difference. I love flowers.

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Soft Summer
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Soft Summer

It’s been a good summer for our pink turks caps. Actually, it’s been a good summer for everything.

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Taking a Pause
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Taking a Pause

I put on a long sleeve shirt and worked in the yard day Friday I needed the shirt because I was hauling brush. I have a deal with my arborist son. He trims; I haul.

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Tiny Flower
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Tiny Flower

There’s a persistent little weed in my garden. It looks like a grass but has stems that are so weak they fall over. It’s one shining attribute is a tiny, two-lobed blue flower that appears every morning before disappearing around noon.

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Growing Things
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Growing Things

My morning glory is thriving. Spring rains and sunlight are working wonders. Unfortunately, it crushed its makeshift trellis and took it to the ground.

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