Wait Staff
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Wait Staff

I had fun last night. I waited tables to help my friend, Sandi Mueller, cater a dinner at Texas Heritage Vineyard. We set the tables. Brought out the food. Cleared used dishes. Brought out more food. And then cleaned up at the end.

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Data Points
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Data Points

What did we ever do before the internet. How did we discover the only way to cook scrambled eggs? Did we even care what four things rich people did? And what’s the criteria for a bad decision in TV, and why 50, why not just ten?

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Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson


I have birds. Little ones. At the feeder. Taking a bite. Flying off to eat. Black-crested Titmouse. Carolina Wren. Female goldfinch. Cardinals.

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Food and Friends
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Food and Friends

I had a lazy day yesterday. Mostly it involved food. Hooked up with old friends from Houston. Drove to a fine Italian restaurant down by canyon lake. Ate a long leisurely lunch with dessert because every great meal needs to be topped off.

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