Odds and Ends
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Odds and Ends

We had another good rain last night just as I was falling asleep. But these little pop up thunderstorms are deceptive. While I got rain, I’m pretty sure it missed a lot of my neighbors.

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List Time
Life, Music John W Wilson Life, Music John W Wilson

List Time

I need another list. My projects have once again overwhelmed me. I find myself walking around, taking notes of the things I should be doing and then sitting down satisfied that I’ve done something when the only think I’ve done is note the things that need doing.

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Skill Set
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Skill Set

Grocery shopping would be okay except for all the people. My heart sinks when the parking lot is full. And it was full yesterday. I knew my trip to pick up a few things would be the victim of the holiday shoppers picking up lots of things.

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Have a Nice Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Have a Nice Day

I had a good day yesterday. Made the bed. Took down the Christmas decorations. Talked to my children. Talked to old friends. Watched a bit of TV. Bought some shoe polish. Checked the mail. Got a package. And my college team won a basketball game. Pretty ordinary stuff.

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