Fade Out
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Fade Out

Here’s how you disappear from the world. There is a tiny picture on the wall between two mirrors in our bathroom. It is nondescript. It was put there by my late wife.

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Valentine’s Day
Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson

Valentine’s Day

My strongest Valentine’s Day memory is from the first grade in 1953. We lived in Oceanside California. My father was stationed at Camp Pendleton. My grandfather back in Texas had just died on the 11th.

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Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson


I’m still at it. Yesterday I went through all the dressers, desks, and cabinets to pull out picture frames. Some had pictures, but most were empty. I dispersed the nice frames to the kids.

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Looking Back
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Looking Back

Took down a seldom used cup for coffee this morning. It asked if I’d still love it when it was 64. I think it was a gift from my wife for a birthday or anniversary or maybe Christmas. I really have no idea. I only know it’s been in the house a long time because there was a time when 64 felt like it was a long way off.

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Party Planning
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Party Planning

The house is unadorned. All remnants of Christmas are packed and in the attic. All except for the gifts, I received. I have a soft Christmas blanket, a fine new backpack, a lovely set of glass storage dishes, clothes, and memories, lots of memories -- music, walks, talks, food, fun, laughter.

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Memory Lane
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Memory Lane

It’s that time of year when memories seem to be the focus, especially for me. I made some yesterday.

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New Memories
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

New Memories

I had about a week to remember what it was like in the early days of my marriage when space heaters were the thing, and nights were spent under mountains of quilts. It was a nice trip down memory lane, but I’m ready for my modern conveniences.

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More on Memories
John W Wilson John W Wilson

More on Memories

I’m still carrying on from the day before when I talked about memories and friends. A second high school friend opined that for our generation (Memorial High School, 1964), it was usually the women who managed the social calendar.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


I’m living with a mountain of memories. Just the other day, as a friend and I sat in our seats at a University of Houston football game, we looked back in time.

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The View
Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson

The View

On most mornings I water the plants around my porch with moisture collected in my rainwater drums. I start in the front by the big oaks. Then I move to the new salvia at the end of the house and then on to the back.

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Nature, Grief John W Wilson Nature, Grief John W Wilson


It’s nice to know we’re heading into June with 60 degree mornings. I’d like to send an official thank you to New Mexico and everyone to the northwest for sharing their cool air with us. Keep up the good work…

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Night Music
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Night Music

Good morning. It’s Saturday. Earlier in the year I thought I might go back to taking weekends off. But that has turned out to be a bad idea. Apparently, I need the discipline of writing every day to keep my mind and body on track.

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Chill Day
Grief John W Wilson Grief John W Wilson

Chill Day

It’s 55 right now and I’m to expect a high of 55. So, at this very moment my day is not going to get any better in terms of the weather, or at least the temperature portion of it.

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Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson


There’s a nice chill in the air and Christmas still seems a long way off, at least to me. It’s a nice sign that time has slowed a bit. Or at least my experience of it. There’s no rush to do anything.

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Maybe One Day
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Maybe One Day

On our very first Christmas together my wife and I put up a tiny Christmas tree on her grandmother’s old oak side table.

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