Happy New Year
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! My first steps into the new year found me hiking in Gaudalupe River State Park. We did about five miles over hill and dale. Sat beside the river. Stood on a bluff and looked at the view. Ate some grapes and snacks for lunch.

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Earth Words
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Earth Words

One thing I’ve learned from my recent discovery of geology is this. Rivers dry up. Rivers change course. Rivers are anything but permanent.

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From the Heart
Nature, Life, Grief John W Wilson Nature, Life, Grief John W Wilson

From the Heart

Took a slow walk through time yesterday. Went back to the trail we hiked on Tuesday. This time, rather than turn left and hike along the Piedra River, we turned right and went up the mountain.

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Getting Ready
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Getting Ready

Another holiday weekend is in the books. Of course, this was a big one, a major Christian holiday, and I suppose it remains to be seen how everyone lives the message.

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The Reservoir
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

The Reservoir

They say you learn how to grieve as a child by watching those around you. I never thought much about it until now with the passing of my wife. Then I started taking an inventory.

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