Happy Again
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Happy Again

I debated talking about this, but in the spirit of openness here goes. This past weekend, I saw a picture of myself that I liked, where I thought I looked normal and happy. I was excited.

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Another Dream
Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson

Another Dream

Went to bed at my normal hour. 9:30. Woke at 12:30, worried I’d never get back to sleep. Got a drink of water. Read a bit of a book. Fell into a sleep so deep that I dreamed.

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Looking Ahead
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Looking Ahead

Last year, on a trip to Marathon, I got a ticket for going too fast in a school zone. I took defensive driving.  I learned something doing it.

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Mirror, Mirror
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Mirror, Mirror

An odd thing happened early this year. Beginning around May, almost every time I saw myself in a picture, I saw an emaciated, dead-eyed, wasted, skeletal wreck of an old man…

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Lucky Me
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Lucky Me

I’ve always dressed and acted to a self-image I carry around in my mind. Up until now it’s been relatively ageless, partly because it was based on the reflection I saw in my wife’s eyes.

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