Wait Staff
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Wait Staff

I had fun last night. I waited tables to help my friend, Sandi Mueller, cater a dinner at Texas Heritage Vineyard. We set the tables. Brought out the food. Cleared used dishes. Brought out more food. And then cleaned up at the end.

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Happy Thoughts
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Happy Thoughts

Last night as I was planning today’s words, I wanted to talk about happiness. Then I got a good night’s sleep and now I’m unsure if that’s still a path I’d like to take, partly because it feels as though it’s a platitude fest waiting to happen.

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Car Talk
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Car Talk

A while back I decided to start taking my car to a dealership for it’s oil change. It happened after I needed the said dealership to fix a more serious issue with the car. I did this even though I knew dealerships liked to up-sell.

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Another Goodbye
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Another Goodbye

The husband of my wife’s favorite cousin passed away last night. The software I’m using to write this suggests I simply say he died. It feels a little abrupt. Passing away implies a continuation of a journey, which is something I’m certain he believed. So, I’m going to stick with that.

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