Being There
Memory John W Wilson Memory John W Wilson

Being There

I think my best bet is to emulate Chance the Gardener in Being There and maintain my silence, smiling, nodding, and taking my pleasure in the simple things…

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More Odds and Ends
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

More Odds and Ends

It’s amazing how a cleared patch of ground makes me feel. Good. The area around the gazebo is nearly done. I braved the cold yesterday to get in a bit more work.

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Travel Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Travel Day

Normally, when I visit my son no one is up when I get up. So, it’s quiet and I write in silence. This morning everyone is up. The dog has gone out to do it’s business twice. Coffee is being brewed. Conversations are flowing and I’m having a devil of a time concentrating.

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Home Again
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Home Again

For the first time in well over a week I woke up this morning without having to worry I was disturbing either a camping companion or a tiny grandchild.

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One Piece
John W Wilson John W Wilson

One Piece

I’m happy to report I made it home in one piece, which sort of goes without saying, since I’m writing this.

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