Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson


It seems a simple thing. Thursday is trash day. It needs to be on the street by seven a.m. I missed it yesterday as I have missed it many days. My late wife never missed it. Never.

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Reason Enough
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Reason Enough

There is something like fall in the air. It is cool outside. It’s a nice way to be greeted in the morning. In addition, I woke up to find my collegiate football team pulled one out late last night after I went to sleep. Good for them.

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Making Plans
Mourning, Life John W Wilson Mourning, Life John W Wilson

Making Plans

Big day yesterday. We took out the trash. Literally. A lot of it. Bulky trash day, which meant all the stuff that had littered the yard and around the house and behind the workroom for about the last five years is now gone.

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News Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

News Day

I like it when the big news in the life of a retiree is a change in the city’s waste handling provider. It’s happening to me.

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A Question
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

A Question

Life it’s mundane self. This morning, in the dark, I fed the cats, rolled the trash can to the curb, and walked around looking at the trees.

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Thirty Gallons
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Thirty Gallons

Tuesday mornings. Make coffee, feed the cats, take out the trash. Sometimes its garbage. Today it was trash.

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Old Friend
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Old Friend

I forgot to take out the trash yesterday. That never happened when my wife was alive. Even when her brain went wonky, the schedule was still there.

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