Thankful Words

Wow. I slept the whole night through. Not something I normally do. Feels good though. To go to bed and wake up at the appointed hour. Reminds me of my youth. I don’t get that reminder a lot these days. Maybe it has something to do with my Sunday. A friend stopped by. We walked into town. Ate lunch. Had a glass of wine. Walked around the square. Then we walked back to the house. That’s a good combination. Friend, wine, walk.

I love that I live close enough to my small town that everything is within walking distance. I love that I have friends willing to stop by. I love that it’s easy to find my house. I love that there’s a national park right outside my front door. I love my house and the land it’s on although there’s a lot of equity in it, and if push came to shove, I believe I could kiss it goodbye. Because, well, it’s a house and there are probably cheaper places to live. But that’s not a bridge I need to cross at the moment.

Nope. Today feels like a day for being thankful. For friends. For family. For a nice place to live. For everything good that has come my way. And for everything good that might come my way. For the fullness of a relatively long life. And, most importantly, I am thankful for the ability to understand that nothing is forever. The gifts come. The gifts go. Spring flowers die in the fall. And even love, if it should come your way, can turn its head and slip away. Which is why when the gifts are here they should be cherished and remembered and celebrated because nothing is forever.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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