That’s It

Previously, on This Mundane Life: John took down, boxed and stored the outside Christmas lights. Ladders were involved but no falls were reported. So, no drama. Durn. In this episode, John will take down the inside Christmas decorations, box everything up and take it into the attic. There will be stepstools, standing on counters, and multiple trips up stairs with boxes. Plenty of room for hijinks. Let see how he does.

Well, I got everything sorted and stored yesterday. It went so well I began to wonder if I had done enough decorating in the house. I’d been so proud of it, then it came down so easy that it seemed as though it might be possible that I was kidding myself. I put it aside, though, and thought, I tried my best and people were happy with it, and I was happy with it. So, that’s that. Anyway, I got the decorations all down and stored. I even sorted the glass Christmas ornaments by color and put the special ones on top so they’re first on the tree next year.

The special ones include a little ornament from my late wife’s childhood, a bell from our wedding cake, and handmade ceramic ornaments or two. It’s the sort of thing that make a tree special. I also found more angels in random boxes and got them into the angel storage boxes. Did the same with the Santas. And now that’s it. Christmas is officially over. It’s cold outside this morning, and the new year is really underway. In a bit, I’ll get some coffee and see what the new day brings.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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