Gatewood Press

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The Door

I’m building a door for my little pump house shed. I’m using recycled material. Mostly old fence slats. For the first time in my woodworking life I’m also using glue. I have no idea why this is the first time, but it finally dawned on me that almost every time I see a woodworking video the host is gluing something. It must work.

I’m also not losing a lot of sleep about keeping things square. This is recycled wood, well aged, soft and wrinkly, with bends and bows in odd places, sort of like me. I’ve done my best, but I’ve got my frontier boots on and they say make it work, shade the well, and have a place to keep things out of the weather. It’s not parlor furniture. So, that’s where I’m going with this.

My next big question revolves around how to hang it. I’ve got some ideas and I think I’ll go hinge hunting today. Fortunately, I live in a small town in the country, which means there are lots of stores selling country things like hinges for gates and doors. I may end up buying several because one will look good in the store but fail to measure up at the site, and I’ll have to go back for another. But that’s how you build your workroom’s parts reserves. Along the way maybe I’ll learn something. So, it’s a win, win.