The Ruler

I’m on a fix-it roll. Got home from Marathon. Started getting ready for Houston. It’s grandkid time. Took one last shot at fixing the wonky seatbelt in the backseat. It was hot. I was tired. But I took a deep breath, stepped out into the heat, and got to work. I knew it was the latch. It wouldn’t catch. I needed to know why. As a follower of Occam’s razor, I thought it most likely something was caught in there.

I got my flashlight. I looked. I took a can of compressed air. Blew out a cheerio. Didn’t help. Took out the backseat to get a better grip. Found the remnants of a bag of un-popped popcorn. Vacuumed it up. Grabbed the latch. Blew again. Saw something white. Got something sharp. Poked it. It was a kernel of corn. The mechanism moved. The belt latched. I lubricated with three in one oil. It still latches. I am the lord of all I survey.

Now, I’m off to Houston. I’ll watch the kids this afternoon. This evening there will be a fashion show. I will see the new school duds. Tomorrow, I’ll help take them to their first day of school. Get a new crown. Get stitches removed. Pick them up from school. See how the day went. I might look around to see if there is something I can fix, because apparently there is nothing I can’t bend to my will when I exert it. Because, again, I am the lord of all I survey, at least for today.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

School Days


The End