Tiny Things

Had a fine day yesterday. Wrote a bit. Did some website work. Played a little golf. On the way to play golf, I talked to two of my children who had rough goes with their second Covid vaccinations. They’re fine now, and we laughed about it. The golf outing was an all-day affair with my brother and good friends from Houston. Started with lunch. Hit some balls to warm up. Went out on the course. Finished with snacks and a drink. We lingered. The day lasted. We laughed. Hit some good shots. Hit some bad ones. We will do it again; soon, I hope.

The day ended in front of the television as I watched a Texas school win the NCAA national championship. They beat my team on the way to the title, but I have so many friends who attended the university it was hard to get upset. It’s their first title, and I know they must feel good. I would. During the game, I also ironed out a kink in the coming weeks schedule, which still holds a lot of nice promise. I was late for my scheduled bedtime but occasionally you make exceptions for texting with friends and watching sports.

That, in a nutshell, was a day filled with tiny things that made me feel good. I think that’s how a life gets rebuilt, one piece at a time. Which, actually, is how a lot of things get built, one piece at a time. It just pays to remember that process. Today promises more of the same. I’ll pet the cat, buy some guitar strings, maybe buy a few colorful plants for the garden, and play a song or two in the afternoon. I’ll think about the good times that were and the ones that will soon be and count my treasure trove of friends who love me and like me.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


Old Friend


How Happy Feels