A Hint of Rain
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

A Hint of Rain

There appears to be moisture in the air this morning and the garage apron looks wet. I’m not going to dignify it and say its rain. Although, we need rain, and it would be nice if some would come.

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Garden Thoughts
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Garden Thoughts

I was thinking about joy yesterday and trying to remember where I used to find it. And while I was thinking about it the subject of happiness came up as did pleasure and I began to wonder how inter-related they all were and if you could have one without the others.

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Small Things
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Small Things

Yesterday, I decided I needed something to contemplate, some tiny thing. Some obscure thing that didn’t even know I was looking. Some thing that could use a good writing about, even though most folks wouldn’t give it a second glance.

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Bring on the Elephant
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Bring on the Elephant

It’s a nice feeling in the bed beneath the covers in the dark on a cold morning. Everything feels just right. It’s that magical time before you’re born again into a new day.

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A Time of Bare Limbs
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

A Time of Bare Limbs

Our big flame leaf sumac finally gave us a show of color this year, less the scarlet seen on a few of its roadside cousins, but enough red and yellow to qualify as a fall spectacle.

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A Kitchen Tale
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

A Kitchen Tale

Made a dessert yesterday. Basically flour, butter, pecans, cream cheese, whipped cream, and chocolate pudding, all layered up. By name, we called it Cajun Delight, partly I think because, butter.

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A Meditation
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

A Meditation

It’s Sunday and the big four-day weekend is nearly over. Thanks has been given for family, friends, and whatever blessings have fallen my way.

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Standing in the Sun
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Standing in the Sun

I stood in the sun yesterday on the southern porch. I had stopped, on a tour of the grounds, to admire the three lavender plants thriving there. It was a cool day and a winter sun.

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Thoughts of Little Consequence
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Thoughts of Little Consequence

This is what I call winter. It’s 36 outside. We could still use some rain, and I have no idea if any is in the immediate forecast. At this point, I’m pretty sure I don’t care.

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Watching the Bees
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Watching the Bees

Back in the days of us, my wife did most of the plant shopping. I did the plant planting. She’d set them out. I’d dig the holes and put them in the ground.

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In My Opinion
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

In My Opinion

It looks as though it might rain, which is just the weather being flirty. Nothing will come of it, I’m sure. If it does, of course, I’ll be happy. We need rain. .

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Birds in the Sky
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Birds in the Sky

We had a fifteen-minute cold-front yesterday. It was fun. The sky darkened, the wind blew, a little rain fell, and the temperature dropped, ever so slightly. I guess you could say it was a pale blue norther.

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Right For the Job
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Right For the Job

Big day today. I’m scheduled to get a new tool. It should be here this afternoon. It’s a tree puller. Well, little trees to be more specific. The kind that sprout up because birds poop their seeds in bad places.

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Beneath the Passing Birds
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Beneath the Passing Birds

Yesterday, from high in the clear blue sky, came the sound of Sandhill Cranes. A deep throated bubbling call that is unmistakable once you see the cranes and hear the sound.

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