A Plan

We’re into the bait and switch Texas weather season. People come down. Listen to music. Enjoy the weather. Decide to move here. They do it in June. By July you find the dried husks of their bodies lining the sides of the highways along with the dead deer. Or if they survive, you find them staggering along in July and August begging for September. At which point, you laugh because you know they think that means Fall. And October is even more perverse.

Oh, well. It is what it is. I’ve actually learned to love all of it. Although, if next year delivers another string of 100 degree days, I’m leaving town. I think I’ve said this before, but I mean it this year. I don’t care if I have to live in my car. I’m going to someone’s mountains. And since I’ll have my passport, I could keep driving to the Arctic circle. That actually might be fun, and I probably have friends who’d go with me. Or maybe just one friend. Or by myself. I’m a big boy. I’ll share my location with my kids so they can keep track of their dad.

And while you’re here, I had some good feedback on my wall painting plan yesterday. It’s surprising when you talk to your friends how many of them have done truly interesting things in their life, like sell paint. Makes me think I should do in depth interviews with them just to learn more about them. And there’s a good project for 2024. I think I’ll start by asking all of them, how’d you get to Texas, and most importantly, why’d you stay.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


My View

