Morning Thoughts

It’s a cool May morning. We had a good rain yesterday. The ground is well wet. The rain gauge shows nearly 1.25 inches, but I have no idea when last it was emptied. So, that could be several days worth of precipitation. I used to have digital gauges, but their lifespan was always short, and I never wanted to invest in anything more elaborate. It might be time. It’s one of the benefits of getting old because you can literally ask, what am I saving the money for, if not this.

In addition to being cool, there’s intermittent cloud cover which means you can see a bit of blue sky, and the morning sun has a nice reflective medium to work some visual magic. That combination is why I like getting up early to look at the clouds and the sky and the sun and be happy my color receptors work and I’m alive. There’s a lot of gratitude in that area these days.

Being alive. It makes me happy, needless to say. I’ve finally reached the point where my repaired aorta is merely a fact of life, and the stents are just things making it work. I’ve stopped worrying they’re going to fall out. I’m back to pushing and pulling and doing fairly normal stuff for a guy my age. My stamina seems a little off, but I think it takes time for the body to recover from a surgery, even if it was endoscopic and my external scars are microscopic. There are things in my body, and it needs time to acclimate to them. I shall give it that time, as best I can.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Slow Day


Springy Things