Weird Things
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Weird Things

The other weird thing that happened yesterday was a nice, weird thing. I was walking in the attic, retrieving Christmas decorations. I walked by a group of shelves I’ve walked by for years. Something red caught my eye.

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The Battle
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

The Battle

Oh, me, oh my. I spent most of my Saturday troubleshooting smart thermostats. It was an unequal battle. They are smarter than I am.

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One Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

One Day

This is weird. My word processing software is now suggesting words to me as I type.

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The Gift, Part 2
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

The Gift, Part 2

…I believe I prefer the more imprecise approach of lumping decades together and thinking, yeah, I felt good then in a general sense…

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