Fall Thoughts
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Fall Thoughts

It’s amazing how long moisture stays in the ground when the sun isn’t beating down. In the summer a fair rain might last two days. In the fall, a fair rain hangs around as if it has nothing better to do.

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Rain Chances
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Rain Chances

Woke to the sound of thunder and rain. Glanced at the radar. Realized I’d missed the bulk of the storm. Here’s to sound sleep.

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The Companion
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

The Companion

Durn. Summer’s back. Went outside this morning. It was hot. I hesitate to disparage summer. But enough is enough. This is late September. Shouldn’t summer be off somewhere else?

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Looking Ahead
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Looking Ahead

A cruise onto the morning porch reveals a light, soft fog over the pasture, a refreshing chill in the air, and that’s about it.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


Well, this feels nice. It’s 63 outside this morning. I actually discovered this around 3 a.m. when my internal clock kicked me awake.

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Book News
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Book News

A new book is in the works. The Seasons: A Caregiver’s Tale. It will be a nature book about the hill country from the vantage point of my little home, which is a tiny spot, but so was Walden Pond, and I’m making no comparative claims, except that you can sit in one place and think.

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The Brightest Flower
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

The Brightest Flower

Last spring, I transplanted all my schoolhouse flowers. Moved them from the bed in the southeast corner of the yard to new spots around the house. There were enough bulbs that I was able to start three new beds.

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Standing in the Sun
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Standing in the Sun

I stood in the sun yesterday on the southern porch. I had stopped, on a tour of the grounds, to admire the three lavender plants thriving there. It was a cool day and a winter sun.

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