Mountains, Again
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Mountains, Again

I’ve been waxing euphoric about mountains the last several days, and I see no reason to stop. Because I enjoy these mountains, the mountains of Big Bend. It’s tempting to say they stole my heart, but it’s more appropriate to say I made a place for them in it.

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Story Time
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Story Time

It has come to me that I can see. And not because I look out and see mountains, but simply because I look, and the mountains come to me.

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My Love
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

My Love

My love. West Texas. The Big Bend. Loves me not. Sure. There’s the sparkling smile of a midnight sky. The warm embrace of the morning sun. The sweet kiss of a soft breeze. But it’s only a place and its warm embrace can easily turn me to dust.

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Boy Meets Mountain
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Boy Meets Mountain

I think I’ve fallen in love. West Texas. Big Bend. The high peaks of the Chisos. The Bofecillos. The calderas of The Solitario and Pine Canyon. The clotted veins of dried lava tubes. The sky-high piles of volcanic ash doing its best to cover the remnants of dead seas.

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Earth Words
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Earth Words

One thing I’ve learned from my recent discovery of geology is this. Rivers dry up. Rivers change course. Rivers are anything but permanent.

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Time Keeping
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Time Keeping

I’m in Marathon. In the silence of the morning, I can hear the train whistling its way through town. A long call in the dark night warning the unexpecting.

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The Walk
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

The Walk

There were doubts. There were fears. There was the mind grappling with the incomprehensible. Could I walk a long and winding path of approximately 13 miles that rose into the sky 3,000 feet. I was unable to imagine what it would be like. Then I did it.

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Musica universalis
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Musica universalis

I am home. A long road trip is in the books. Of course, for road warriors on active duty, that is, not retired, this is standard fair. And I sympathize.

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On the Trail
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

On the Trail

Home again. Home again. I love being on the road. I love being home. There is nothing quite like your own bed. But then again, there is nothing like sleeping on a trailer’s dining room table that folds into a bed, especially if you have a self-inflating mattress, which I do.

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Take a Hike
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Take a Hike

When I first started hiking, I was nervous. I felt as thought I’d kept myself active over the course of my life, but I had my doubts when it came to walking up and down mountains.

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On The Trail
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

On The Trail

Watched the blood moon of a full lunar eclipse this morning. It was hanging in the clear skies over the Guadalupe Mountains. I tell you; I have fallen well and truly in love with West Texas.

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Hiking Log 4
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Hiking Log 4

Mountains leave me speechless. I’ve driven in the Alps, the Rockies, The Smokies, and the snowcapped peaks of the San Bernadino mountains. The affect is always the same. There is nothing much to say. I can only look.

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Shadow Thoughts
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Shadow Thoughts

I was walking and watching my shadow yesterday. As I did, I could fool myself into believing it was the shadow of young man…

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Time Travel
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Time Travel

Went time travelling yesterday. Visited the Chisos Mountains. Tried to imagine what it was like when that first hot vent opened up and out popped hot rock, lava.

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Quiet Time
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Quiet Time

I meant to go sit in the pool last night. Never did. Don’t know why. It’s funny how you can get an idea early in the day to do something, and when the time comes it just seems like too much trouble.

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