Hot’s Here
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Hot’s Here

I believe summer is finally beginning. It is warm this morning. And there’s nary a breeze. I like my morning’s cool.

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John W Wilson John W Wilson


Damp and cool is the way to go. I have a sage I planted this year in the garden area I created on the north fence. It struggled this summer. I thought it was gone.

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The Traveler
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

The Traveler

Once upon a time I dug up a coral sage from along the fence opposite my house. I transplanted it beneath the big oaks in my front yard. It was touch and go for two years.

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The Sage
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

The Sage

The sage is in bloom. I’ve waited all summer. But the sage likes rain to bloom. None came. Now it has. Rain has fallen. Two of my three plants are resplendent in their glory of purple and gray.

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Taking a Pause
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Taking a Pause

I put on a long sleeve shirt and worked in the yard day Friday I needed the shirt because I was hauling brush. I have a deal with my arborist son. He trims; I haul.

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My Stars
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

My Stars

Lavender. An unassuming star of our gardens. Star in the sense that it needs little water, has a lovely foliage color, and grows well in a relaxed sort of way.

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Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson


The front flower beds flanking the drive are now trim and neat. The cactus is gone, twist leaf yuccas, sotol, and Sage have the stage all to themselves.

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Standing Up
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Standing Up

It feels strange sitting down to write at 11:30 when I normally wrap things up by 6:30 or seven, but here we are, nearly noon.

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Back At It
Nature, Grief John W Wilson Nature, Grief John W Wilson

Back At It

The front flowerbeds flanking the driveway entrance to our home are transformed. Gone are the spineless cactus. Laid low by the freeze, I cut them down and dug them up.

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