Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


We’re baking. Got up last night about three. This was my second night at home in two weeks. Wandered out into the dark. The porch thermometer said, 85. I went back in and dreamed of snow.

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Passing Time
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Passing Time

A weird thing happened on the way to spring. I took down the Christmas decorations. Packed them all away. The cleaning lady came. Presto. My house went from Christmas bright to being a clean, well lit place…

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Trip Log 3
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Trip Log 3

Captain’s Log Stardate 2022.2.3. We made slow but steady progress yesterday. Left Santa Fe in a slight snowstorm, heading toward Alamosa in the San Luis Valley close to the headwaters of the Rio Grande.

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Trip Log 1
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Trip Log 1

Captain’s Log Stardate 2022.2.1. A new adventure begins today. We launch an expedition into the territory of New Mexico.

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Another Day
Nature, Grief John W Wilson Nature, Grief John W Wilson

Another Day

I know spring is coming, because I can see the discrete little signs, budding leaves are all around, on the roses and on the trees. But for some reason, the start of the season seems disconsolate,,,

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Tear Day
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Tear Day

This is about grief. So, turn away if that bothers you. Yesterday started out with much promise. The weather had warmed, the sun was out, the roads were clear, and I had a list of errands to run.

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Almost Done 2
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Almost Done 2

As I suspected, the snow in my little piece of Texas departed the scene with the arrival of the sun. Its exodus sped up when the temperature crossed 32. The pasture is once again wearing its brown winter uniform while the winter greens are still green.

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It Comes in Silence
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

It Comes in Silence

I like the silence of snow. It falls with grace and arrives in dignity. It’s in no hurry to leave, either. Unlike its cousin the rain, which splatters and clatters and is always rushing off to get somewhere else, snow sits around, enjoys the view, and waits for the sun.

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Grandmother’s House
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Grandmother’s House

Well, this weather event is interesting, in that Chinese curse sort of way, may you live in interesting times. All week long I was looking toward today and relief, only to realize last night that we have another round of winter scheduled for today.

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Almost Done
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Almost Done

Woke up to the sound of snow melt this morning when I went out onto the porch. Our temperature is 33 and promises to go a little bit higher today. We’re still scheduled for hard, cold nights, but it seems the weather picture is shifting back to our favor here in Central Texas.

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A Good Break
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

A Good Break

I made a pot of beans yesterday. Which seems relatively mundane until you realize it took a crock pot eight hours to do it. And yesterday there were people unable to even heat themselves much less run a crock pot for eight hours.

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Let It Snow
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Let It Snow

First, I am eternally grateful we still have power. Second, we’ve turned the thermostats down to 58, which isn’t something we do even in the dead of summer.

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The Embrace
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

The Embrace

There’s a picture of a hug on my phone. It’s between me and my late wife. Her left cheek rests on my right breast, the top of her head close to my chin, her face turned to the camera. She’s smiling.

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Gray Days
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Gray Days

I hate to make a big deal out of something a lot of people experience all the time, but it is getting really cold. It’s going to be a where-were-you-when event.

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Snow Day
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Snow Day

What a day. It started snowing mid-morning and continued snowing through early evening. When it was all said and done the ground was covered in a blanket of snow and all its imperfections were erased.

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Time for Repairs
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Time for Repairs

It’s raining in the Hill Country this morning. Later today we might get snow. It’s Sunday morning. I’d go to church if I could because it just feels like a day for that. It’s been a hard week.

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