Springy Things
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Springy Things

I had a talk with the machine yesterday. Here’s how it went. I took the cowling off the gas tank. Disconnected the two fuel lines. Blew into one of them to clear any debris. Reconnected the lines. Turned the starter. Fuel flowed into the filter.

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Busy Work
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Busy Work

I’ve been on a break. And like any program, it pays to start off slow when you’re getting back into the routine. So, no reminiscing today.

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Coming and Going
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Coming and Going

It was another nice day in the yard. Except this time, I was digging. Thistle’s. The big, aggressive kind. The one’s who’s leaves will bite at the faintest touch.

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Field Report
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Field Report

I mowed yesterday. Mostly from force of habit. No rain means no grass to speak of, only the little weedy plants and they’re not that tall.

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