Today’s Forecast
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Today’s Forecast

It is odd in the first days of August to look out the kitchen window and see a lawn of intense green. A lawn that would make a suburban dad proud. A lawn that would make an HOA smile. A lawn that speaks of a surfeit of water. A lawn that speaks of rain.

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Working to Red
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Working to Red

The rains came. I cleaned. I dusted. Vacuumed. Mopped. Stored. The countertops are nearly empty. The floors bare. As I suspected, my mood lifted. Improved.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


I’m in the country in a very fine house and it’s raining to beat the band. Seriously, the heavens have opened up and are trying to dump all the water in the world right on top of us.

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Subtle Hints
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Subtle Hints

No rain. No growing grass. No weeds. No mowing. Normally, this time of the year, I’m busy pulling stuff from gardens and mowing, but we seemed to have reached a sort of stasis.

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In My Opinion
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

In My Opinion

It looks as though it might rain, which is just the weather being flirty. Nothing will come of it, I’m sure. If it does, of course, I’ll be happy. We need rain. .

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