Random Bits
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Random Bits

It’s raining, but we’re not setting any records. It’s cold too. A front has arrived. It will be chill all week. About time. It’s fall. October. Let’s do this. I have my long sleeve shirts at the ready.

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Hill Top
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Hill Top

Yesterday I walked up a hill in daylight and down again in the dark. Two miles in and two miles out. I wanted to see a sunset from the top of the hill overlooking the Pedernales river valley and the Hill Country out west.

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A Tree and Two Birds
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

A Tree and Two Birds

I like Aspens, Magpies, and Steller’s Jays. The tree and two birds are things I’d never seen before I went to Colorado. Now that I’ve seen them, I want to see them again.

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Rock of Ages
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Rock of Ages

I remember John Denver singing about a Rocky Mountain high, and never really thought much about it. Then I spent last week in the Rocky Mountains and boy do I get it.

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From the Heart
Nature, Life, Grief John W Wilson Nature, Life, Grief John W Wilson

From the Heart

Took a slow walk through time yesterday. Went back to the trail we hiked on Tuesday. This time, rather than turn left and hike along the Piedra River, we turned right and went up the mountain.

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River Walk
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

River Walk

Walked along the banks of a river yesterday, down into the canyon it’s been cutting for millions of years. The canyon was impressive.

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The Companion
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

The Companion

Durn. Summer’s back. Went outside this morning. It was hot. I hesitate to disparage summer. But enough is enough. This is late September. Shouldn’t summer be off somewhere else?

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The Gift
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

The Gift

I was walking through the park next door on a quiet evening walk last week, and as I did one persimmon hit the ground and rolled out onto the trail right in front of me.

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Feeling Good
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Feeling Good

Ah, these mornings. Cool with a hint of moisture. Green grass. Sweet days. There was rain around yesterday, but none fell on me. But that’s okay as long as it fell somewhere in the neighborhood.

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Passing Through
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Passing Through

A torrential deluge gifted us with a half inch of rain yesterday afternoon. It fell so hard and fast, however, that most of it probably ran off.

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Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson


I labored on Labor Day. Mowed the back lots, mowed the front, and had a good ole time. I pulled weeds. Got my hands dirty. Got down on my knees. Raised a sweat.

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Troubled Mind
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Troubled Mind

It is cool outside this morning. There is a heavy dew. Days of rain are starting to pay dividends. The coral sage is standing tall with tons of red blooms. The pink Turks caps are full of flowers. The little persimmon tree is putting on leaves. Even the tiff grass yard has returned from dormancy with sprigs of green. There is life in the fields.

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Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson


I have three little crape myrtles, black diamonds. They once lived in the southeast corner of the yard. They failed to thrive. I moved them to more fertile soil on the back lots by the pool. They failed to thrive.

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The Sage
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

The Sage

The sage is in bloom. I’ve waited all summer. But the sage likes rain to bloom. None came. Now it has. Rain has fallen. Two of my three plants are resplendent in their glory of purple and gray.

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Inland Sea
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Inland Sea

My geology books have started to arrive. Got a small one on volcanoes and another on how our continent was formed. I really want to know the story of the terrain from Fort Davis to Study Butte.

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Hot Rocks
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Hot Rocks

A journey into the Davis Mountians to look at rocks and wonder how they got there and where they’re going.

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The Attack
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

The Attack

I was attacked at the gas station yesterday. Totally unprovoked in my opinion. The attacker obviously had different ideas.

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Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson


There’s a heavy wind this morning. No idea what that means. Just disturbed air going from here to there in a hurry. Meanwhile, we bounce from the 70s at night to near 100 in the day.

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The Birds
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

The Birds

My affection for barn swallows is diminishing in direct proportion to the number of active nests on our porches and in the garage. The number is currently seven. Sometimes I feel as though I’m living beneath a highway overpass.

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Summer Day
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Summer Day

Well, I’m back at it. More music yesterday plus a doctor visit for an unexplained pain, which got explained and at least it’s nothing serious. The music was in a hot hall, and when I say hot, I mean hot as in oven hot.

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