Getting On
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Getting On

They always say growing old is not for the faint of heart. And I believe them. Mostly as I’ve aged, I’ve ignored it. It never really mattered. I expected to die before I reached 50, anyhow…

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After Party
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

After Party

I’ve had so much fun these last several days that I’m thinking about having a birthday every month. I could make it like a software update. My age point 1 and so on.

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Birth Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Birth Day

As signs go, getting Wordle in two on your birthday has to rank right up there as a great way to start your day. Of course, a pessimist might think it can only go down hill from there, but it’s not actually that big of a deal and I’m an optimist in most cases. So, I’m sticking with the positive connotation.

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Party On
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Party On

Good morning. The house is quiet. The kids are all asleep. Dad should still be asleep as well, but sunlit windows tell dads brain the day has started and what in the world are you doing in bed.

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The Birthday
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

The Birthday

Good morning. I had good day yesterday. Over the course of the day my spirits steadily rose. Good old Facebook contributed its avalanche of birthday greetings.

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Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson


I had a dream last night. It featured my wife. It was a short. She showed up at an event of an indeterminate nature. I asked how in the world she got there, since I thought she was in a memory care facility.

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Snow Day
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Snow Day

What a day. It started snowing mid-morning and continued snowing through early evening. When it was all said and done the ground was covered in a blanket of snow and all its imperfections were erased.

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