Late Start
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Late Start

It is closer to noon than it is to dawn. Yet, here I sit, writing, as though the sun is still to rise and my day yet to begin.

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Down But Not Out
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Down But Not Out

I am returned from the valley of Covid. Dropped off the cliff Saturday morning about 2 a.m. Woke up to a raging fever and a head full of everything, along with a cough.

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Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson


I stepped through the looking glass last Tuesday evening. Stepped out again yesterday, Friday, around noon. This is what happened.

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The Lonely Road
Grief John W Wilson Grief John W Wilson

The Lonely Road

Yesterday, as I sat filling out paperwork, for a dental procedure, my phone flashed on. The assistant who was helping me, said, “Oh, that’s nice,” when she saw the picture of me and my wife, in a warm embrace, on the home screen. I said, “Thanks,” then, after a small pause, added, “She passed away in August.”

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Vac Day 2.1
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Vac Day 2.1

Drove into town yesterday, Austin. Queued up. Got my shot. It was the second of the two dose Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Drove toward home.

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Vac Day 2.0
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Vac Day 2.0

Today is second dose day, COVID-19 vaccination time. It happens this afternoon. Supposedly the side-affects are more intense than those after the first dose, but I didn’t feel many side-affects. I did have a sore arm and one afternoon I felt rather lethargic, but overall, I’d have to give it a positive score.

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Vac Day 3
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Vac Day 3

My vaccination symptoms, such as they were, have abated. My shoulder is no longer sore. I did wake up last night with a fiery pain in one of my arthritic feet, but it too went away. Hard to know if it was a symptom of the shot, or just some random old guy nerve thing.

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