Finding a Way
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Finding a Way

When you get into a routine, sometimes it feels as though nothing is happening. When in reality everything is happening. And sometimes you feel as though the same thing is happening, when nothing is ever the same and everything that is happening is in reality all new.

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Plan Change
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Plan Change

Durn. Where there should have been a house full of sleeping children, there is only a house with a sleeping old man. And he’s obviously not sleeping since he’s typing this.

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Rain Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Rain Day

Walked outside this morning to the sight of rain on the drive and the sound of water running down the gutters. Exciting stuff. Checked the rain gauge real quick and found no measurable precipitation. That was a little disappointing.

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Plans Change
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Plans Change

Got up this morning ready to drive home to a Christmas party house concert, only to discover the party was cancelled the day I left home..

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


I think I need to add a nice thermometer to supplement my nice new rain gauge. I want to know, when I walk outside in the morning, what it is I’m feeling, outside of my emotions, which is another subject entirely.

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