The Service
John W Wilson John W Wilson

The Service

I went to a memorial service yesterday for a man I barely knew. We had a casual relationship; it was centered around a musician we favored.

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Slow Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Slow Day

Got out and about yesterday. Drank some wine. Ate some cake. Sang happy birthday. Played a new tune I wrote. Made some new friends, well acquaintances. We exchanged names and made small talk.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


Here’s a cartoon trope. A character is chasing another character. Let’s say, Wile E. Coyote. At some point the chaser, Wile, will find himself suspended in mid-air having run off a cliff.

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List Time
Life, Music John W Wilson Life, Music John W Wilson

List Time

I need another list. My projects have once again overwhelmed me. I find myself walking around, taking notes of the things I should be doing and then sitting down satisfied that I’ve done something when the only think I’ve done is note the things that need doing.

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Time Travel
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Time Travel

I had a late night of music and roadie work. I’m getting good at wrapping cables with a little thumb flip to keep them straight.

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Shelves and Songs
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Shelves and Songs

Had a good day yesterday. Bought some shelving to use for my garage storage. I’d been looking at cabinets with doors, but that’s pretty much an invitation to critters of all sorts to call the place home as I discovered with my old wooden cabinets.

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New Life
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

New Life

It’s too hot to work outside. So, I stayed inside, read a book, and worked on a song I was writing. There was a time when I’d would have never admitted I was writing a song, because it sounded a little pretentious.

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Night Music
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Night Music

It’s late. The little granddaughter is asleep on the couch. I stayed up late. Listened to music. Made music. Visited with friends. It was a nice, long evening.

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Carrying On
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Carrying On

I started down a path this morning with my writing, but about a paragraph in I stopped and turned around. I deleted those words, and even shut off the computer.

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