More Odds and Ends
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

More Odds and Ends

It’s amazing how a cleared patch of ground makes me feel. Good. The area around the gazebo is nearly done. I braved the cold yesterday to get in a bit more work.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


Well, the work is finished. The holes are dug. The piles driven to refusal. The lifting complete. Doors close with ease. Cracks retreated.

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Grief John W Wilson Grief John W Wilson


I feel as though I am once again jacked into the world. Connected. Doing things.

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River View
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

River View

Stood on the banks of the Rio Grande this morning. It is frozen nearly to the middle. The heavy grass crunched beneath my feet. I’m in Alamosa close to the river’s headwaters.

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The Work
Life, Love John W Wilson Life, Love John W Wilson

The Work

It’s Monday. I’m late in the writing, for no good reason, actually. I have started taking Sunday’s off, which is why I had no words to offer yesterday.

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Meow, Meow
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Meow, Meow

It is hard to type with a cat in your lap. But when its just you and the cat, the cat gets attention. No complaints really, it’s actually nice. Mama Cat comes in for breakfast and starts wanking at me until I pick her up.

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