Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


Flame leaf sumacs have colonized the ditch along the pasture fence on the south side of the house. They’re robust growers and can get tree-like in a hurry. But they’re frail, and they break apart in high winds.

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Standing Tall
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Standing Tall

My birds. They gather to eat and drink. The latter is new. It took them a while to realize a bird bath was in place. They get it now. But no one is bathing. They sit on the edge and sip.

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Assembly Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Assembly Day

Bought a bird bath yesterday. No birds are bathing yet. I imagine, as with the feeder it will take a little time. I bought the bath because I’d like to see more of the painted bunting, I read they like baths.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


Yesterday evening in my pool, as I floated on my back, I was looking up into the clear blue Texas sky. The only things to see were a waxing gibbous moon, and a solitary buzzard floating on a thermal, wings extended.

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Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson


I have birds. Little ones. At the feeder. Taking a bite. Flying off to eat. Black-crested Titmouse. Carolina Wren. Female goldfinch. Cardinals.

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Bird News
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Bird News

It appears I may have finally dissuaded a pair of swallows from breeding in my garage. Of course, the garage has all manner of bird control devices in it and it’s scented with peppermint spray, but it’s a fair trade from being covered in swallow poop.

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The Birds
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

The Birds

My affection for barn swallows is diminishing in direct proportion to the number of active nests on our porches and in the garage. The number is currently seven. Sometimes I feel as though I’m living beneath a highway overpass.

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Sweet Times
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Sweet Times

It was a wet rainy day by the river, but in a year of drought and burn bans, a wet rainy day by the river is still a good day.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


The mesquite is in bloom. I wonder what sort of news that is in the insect kingdom?

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Another Day
Nature, Grief John W Wilson Nature, Grief John W Wilson

Another Day

I know spring is coming, because I can see the discrete little signs, budding leaves are all around, on the roses and on the trees. But for some reason, the start of the season seems disconsolate,,,

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Good Times
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Good Times

The Sandhill Cranes were flying yesterday. Their distinctive clucking call fell from the sky, but I could never locate the flock as it flew by. They were too high and moving too fast.

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Wishful Thinking
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Wishful Thinking

I’m washing windows. It started when I had several replaced last week. The new glass made the old glass look dingy. So, I mixed up a batch of homemade window cleaner, pulled out the old microfiber rag, and got after it.

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Birds in the Sky
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Birds in the Sky

We had a fifteen-minute cold-front yesterday. It was fun. The sky darkened, the wind blew, a little rain fell, and the temperature dropped, ever so slightly. I guess you could say it was a pale blue norther.

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