Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


My mind is buzzing today, and not with words to say. I’ve got to travel and that’s an entirely different mindset, especially when there’s a complication.

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Off Again
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Off Again

And as I’m now doing in my Guadalupian Epoch, I will not be blogging every day. I will be soaking up the sights, taking notes, gathering my thoughts. Then, when I come back, I will tell you about it.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


I’m living with a mountain of memories. Just the other day, as a friend and I sat in our seats at a University of Houston football game, we looked back in time.

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Musica universalis
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Musica universalis

I am home. A long road trip is in the books. Of course, for road warriors on active duty, that is, not retired, this is standard fair. And I sympathize.

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Almost There
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Almost There

Bought a leather jacket on Thursday. It cost $10. It made me feel like a million. Found it at a thrift store in Alamosa. I saw it on the rack. Slipped it on in impulse.

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Another Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Another Day

The sun is rising over the San Luis Valley. An owl just drifted off from its perch on the house to hunt. The sun is rising over the distant mountains. We are on the third day of our journey.

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Made It
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Made It

Started our trip at 7 a.m. yesterday in Gruene. Finished it yesterday at 11 p.m. Mountain Time in Santa Fe. We were running from weather. It caught us outside Junction.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


Travel day. Packing to do. I’m on the way to Marathon to listen to and make music. Nice combination.

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Car Thoughts
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Car Thoughts

I skipped my morning essay yesterday because we left at 6:15 to go play golf. Nice time of day to do that. Got the round in under four hours, ate a nice lunch, and came on home.

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Real World
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Real World

Let me check. Yes, I’m home. With nothing much to do in the coming days except go listen to music. That will be a balm.

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Final Entry
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Final Entry

Captain’s Log: Stardate 220305
Yesterday I woke in the front room of a friend’s travel trailer in Study Butte, with other friends close by. Today, I wake in my own bed.

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Trip Log 4
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Trip Log 4

Captain’s Log Stardate 2022.2.4. At last, we are in Red River arriving in midafternoon yesterday.

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Trip Log 1
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Trip Log 1

Captain’s Log Stardate 2022.2.1. A new adventure begins today. We launch an expedition into the territory of New Mexico.

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Road Trip
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Road Trip

Gray skies promised rain all day yesterday. Gray skies failed to deliver. I guess they had business elsewhere.

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Slowing Down
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Slowing Down

Word has a new look. Yippee. I’ve been through more new looks over the years than I can count.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


Travel days. Into Austin last night for music. Fredericksburg this evening for more of the same. Houston on Friday for football.

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Travel Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Travel Day

Heading north to Wichita. I wonder if any of my relatives every drove cattle this way. Probably not.

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