Golf Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Golf Day

I had a lovely day on the golf course yesterday. We got off early. Had the course mostly to ourselves. The weather was cloudy to start, but the sun came out. I hit more good shots than bad.

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Making Shots
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Making Shots

Emotions. I’ve had the devil’s time learning to keep mine in check, particularly on the golf course. Being a middling player at best, frustration has been my constant companion.

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What I Know
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

What I Know

I have to admit. As stories go, mine is pretty boring, especially these days. My big activity yesterday was golf with friends.

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A Good Walk
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

A Good Walk

I had a good day on the golf course yesterday. I got invited to fill in a foursome. Mostly guys around my age, and older. We played best ball which meant all four of us hit and then we played the best shot.

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A Season
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

A Season

Well, dang. I anticipated rain all day yesterday. It never came. At least not to me. It was just warm and muggy. Real Texas winter weather.

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Grief John W Wilson Grief John W Wilson


It’s probably time to bring down the cat crates and blankets. Cool weather is beginning to feel like cold weather. Mind you, no one is complaining, but then again, the cats don’t really complain. They just sort of mill around and look at me.

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Late in the Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Late in the Day

Summer golf means early tee-times which also means early times for leaving the house. Today it was a 7:15 start at Delaware Springs in Burnet. We left my house at 6, which meant no time for the daily words even thought I got up at 4:30 to eat and get ready.

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Car Thoughts
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Car Thoughts

I skipped my morning essay yesterday because we left at 6:15 to go play golf. Nice time of day to do that. Got the round in under four hours, ate a nice lunch, and came on home.

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A Good Thing
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

A Good Thing

Golf. I have pursued the sport with varying degrees of success over the years. Years marked mostly by massive failure. You’d think hitting a ball lying still at your feet would be a piece of cake. Think again.

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Going Shopping
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Going Shopping

I’m going shopping today. A bookstore. A UPS store. A mall. Maybe a golf superstore. I have to map it out. I want to hit them in some sort of sequence. I’ll even work in a lunch.

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Ball in Flight
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Ball in Flight

Yesterday I played my first round of golf since getting my new right eye. Wonder of wonders, I could actually track the flight of the ball as I hit my shots, wayward or not.

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The Drive
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

The Drive

I do believe this is the first time in my long life I’ve ever driven 1,700 miles in two days with one day of rest in between. What an experience.

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The Thing to Do
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

The Thing to Do

I had a good day yesterday. Got a massage in the morning. Played golf in the afternoon. Did really at both.

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Still Life
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Still Life

Got a massage and played golf yesterday. Good combo. Ate lunch at the course.

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Tiny Things
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Tiny Things

Had a fine day yesterday. Wrote a bit. Did some website work. Played a little golf.

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Weather Thoughts
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Weather Thoughts

Winter is having trouble making up its mind. I had a spring-like day on the golf course yesterday with my brother. Today promises more of the same, warm weather not golf. Winter must have forgotten it has a job to do and let spring back in the house.

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