Machine Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Machine Day

Here’s to the mysterious ways of the universe. We find love, unexpectedly. Children come into our lives. The mower that worked fine four days ago is now a sputtering pile of metal.

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More On Loving
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

More On Loving

We’re back to love. There are lines in a song I like. They say, “I think that love is so much easier than you realize. If you can give yourself to someone then you should.” I like that thought.

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The Symphony
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

The Symphony

Here I am again, in Houston, babysitting the two little grandchildren. We had the place to ourselves last night. Their mother took the evening off to be with friends.

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Star Light
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Star Light

Travel day. The road awaits. Friends are at the end. And music. But if I’m honest. It’s the friends that count. The one with whom I’ll travel, and those we’ll both soon see.

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Secret Sauce
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Secret Sauce

I never realized how much I missed it until I had it again. Sharing. The coming home from work and school to tell what you did, to hear what others did.

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Wrap Up
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Wrap Up

It’s been a good week. The grand-kids are in their new school. I helped around the house. Cooked a dinner. Hung curtains. Folded clothes. And did a little grocery shopping. Basically, I tried to make myself useful.

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Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson


Got home late last night from an evening of music and camaraderie. It was cool outside and the moonlight lit the back porch and bathed the pasture beyond in it’s soft light. I didn’t linger long.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


The beauty of little things. Doing the dishes. Making a bed. Cleaning a bathroom. Tidying up the living room. Folding laundry. You can rush through them, or you can take your time.

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The View
Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson

The View

On most mornings I water the plants around my porch with moisture collected in my rainwater drums. I start in the front by the big oaks. Then I move to the new salvia at the end of the house and then on to the back.

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Life Lessons
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Life Lessons

The party’s over. It was a success. But the afterglow is fading. I thought it might last longer. But there it goes becoming a thing of the past.

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Blooms of Love
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Blooms of Love

The birds are fed. The cats are fed. Wordle is in the books. My day begins. I’m thinking about my garden again and the satisfaction it offers.

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Happy Again
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Happy Again

I debated talking about this, but in the spirit of openness here goes. This past weekend, I saw a picture of myself that I liked, where I thought I looked normal and happy. I was excited.

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The Key
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

The Key

Had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day. We were talking about how she always recommended my blog to her friends, particularly those dealing with dementia and loss. But she recognized recently that was no longer the case.

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Little Plants
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Little Plants

Busy day in the gardens yesterday. Mainly buying with some planting. Went looking for Morning Glories found another vine instead. The name escapes me because it didn’t have a card in the pot.

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Another Goodbye
Grief John W Wilson Grief John W Wilson

Another Goodbye

The odd thing about funerals is that sometimes it’s the only place you get to see all of your family together. It happened that way Saturday as we marked the passing of my brother-in-law.

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The Party
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

The Party

I remember as a boy traveling to visit my grandparents in San Antonio. Four boys, two adults in a two bedroom, no bath home. There was an outhouse. Pallets on the floor for the kids.

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Big Day
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Big Day

Good morning. Word of warning. I’m infused with gratitude today, and I feel blessed and sort of gushy. So, if I see you, you’re liable to get a big hug, a thank you, and I love you.

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Sorrowful Day
Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson

Sorrowful Day

Helped bury the mother of a friend yesterday. Sad business as always. She left behind a husband of seventy years and a home she’d lived in for fifty-six. An anomalous couple in this day and age of turnover marriages and turnover homes…

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The Loss
John W Wilson John W Wilson

The Loss

Three friends. More than fifty years together. Lots of laughs. Lots of parties. Lots of dancing. Lots of football. Yesterday we sat there together on our metal seats, backs against the concourse wall. Comfortable.

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Feels Like Love
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Feels Like Love

I was going to give myself the day off for my birthday. So, I slept in, loitering beneath the warm sheets. Then I got up, made a cup of coffee, and the next thing you know I’m sitting here in front of the computer, trying not to slouch, and starting to write.

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