Water, Water
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Water, Water

A great, dark Gulf Coast thunderstorm rolled through yesterday afternoon. Lightning flashed. Thunder rolled. There were booms and cracks all around. The rain fell in torrents. It felt as though the entire Gulf of Mexico had come to the land.

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The Plan
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

The Plan

Imagine my surprise. I walked out to feed the cats this morning and the driveway was wet. What? Rain? Wow. That’s nice. I’ll have to wait until the sun comes up to see how much.

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Mountain Air
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Mountain Air

Went to the top of a mountain yesterday. Actually, it was only close to the top. And we rode. On a ski lift. It was fun. It took about eight minutes to reach our destination.

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An Encounter
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

An Encounter

Started the day yesterday with a short walk along the South Rim of the Rio Grande Gorge just outside Taos. Standing at the starting line, it looked mostly flat. We could see a long way into the distance.

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Sunny Days
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Sunny Days

It’s hot. Even in the shade. The wind blows. It’s hot. The ground is hot. The plants are hot. The animals are hot. My long-haired cats look like refugees from boot camp. There’s no escape.

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Time Keeping
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Time Keeping

I’m in Marathon. In the silence of the morning, I can hear the train whistling its way through town. A long call in the dark night warning the unexpecting.

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Grape Picking
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Grape Picking

I’m a grape picker. It was interesting work. Not sure I could do it eight hours a day, but two or three in the morning seem fine, especially when you’re gifted with a bottle of wine.

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Show Time
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Show Time

In the early 70s, as an intern for the Houston Chronicle, I was sent to interview Gunther Gebel Williams a lion tamer for Ringling Brother’s Barnum and Bailey Circus. He lived in a nicely appointed rail car.

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Do This
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Do This

I have a task. My new bird feeder uses high quality food. Peanuts and sunflower seeds. All ground into little pieces. The birds love it. But so too do other varmints.

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Thought Control
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Thought Control

I guess it’s true. Into each life a little rain must fall. Some fell into mine yesterday. Not the metaphorical sad kind. But the literal, real kind.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


Yesterday evening in my pool, as I floated on my back, I was looking up into the clear blue Texas sky. The only things to see were a waxing gibbous moon, and a solitary buzzard floating on a thermal, wings extended.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


Bonus. I scored two thunderstorms yesterday. The first showed around 8 p.m. The second appeared in the morning at 1 a.m. Although as I write that I realize actually it was one yesterday and one today.

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Mixed Up
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Mixed Up

Memory is a funny thing. I know, for instance, there is only one natural lake in Texas. Somehow, I came to believe that was Inks Lake.

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First World
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

First World

Swallows. I have a pair trying to nest on the wall over the entrance to the dog run. Which means, if they’re successful, that when someone comes to my front door, they’d have to navigate a pile of bird dung. Not in the plan.

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Trade Offs
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Trade Offs

It’s an air-is-out-of-the-balloon day. The grandson is gone, back to his mom and dad, and the emptiness is shrinking in around me. That’s okay, however, it happens every time the kids come then go.

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On the River
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

On the River

I thought I had fallen out of love with camping. Bugs, weather, and discomfort having done me in. But when I stepped out of my tent this past Saturday morning, I realized we were still a couple.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


Another cool, blessed morning. This time the birds were waiting for me to bring out the feeder. A little Carolina Chickadee and a Titmouse were in the trees.

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Nature, Grief John W Wilson Nature, Grief John W Wilson


It’s nice to know we’re heading into June with 60 degree mornings. I’d like to send an official thank you to New Mexico and everyone to the northwest for sharing their cool air with us. Keep up the good work…

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Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson


We got an inch of rain last night, my hand is healing nicely, and I’m back in the wordy saddle. It feels as though I got a good night’s sleep. Lots of dreams. I mean seriously, lots of them and really detailed, too, but none worth repeating.

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