Flower Show
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Flower Show

I’m still tending my gardens. Pulling up errant grasses, henbit and Velcro weed (Galium aparine). The latter is truly a weird pest in that it adheres to anything it touches except metal.

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Ground Work
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Ground Work

Took a look at my yard and gardens the other day and realized they need some work. So, I’ve been giving it to them. I’m on my hands and knees pulling weeds and winter grasses.

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Big Storm
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Big Storm

I miss the big booms of Gulf Coast thunderstorms, with their white flashes and window rattling rumbles. The kind of storm that feels as though you’re right out in it even though you’re in a house.

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Being Native
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Being Native

Once, in the days before children, in earliest years of marriage, we went camping with another couple. Dear friends. It was winter. We were young. It was cold. We stayed in a tent. The temperature dipped into the teens.

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World Beater
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

World Beater

I have a love hate relationship with my sinuses. Normally, I think they’re cool. We breathe in and out and everything is good. I do my best to keep out the viruses and bacteria. But every once in a while, something gets in and we’re off to the races.

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Party Planning
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Party Planning

The house is unadorned. All remnants of Christmas are packed and in the attic. All except for the gifts, I received. I have a soft Christmas blanket, a fine new backpack, a lovely set of glass storage dishes, clothes, and memories, lots of memories -- music, walks, talks, food, fun, laughter.

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Happy New Year
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! My first steps into the new year found me hiking in Gaudalupe River State Park. We did about five miles over hill and dale. Sat beside the river. Stood on a bluff and looked at the view. Ate some grapes and snacks for lunch.

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A Plan
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

A Plan

We’re into the bait and switch Texas weather season. People come down. Listen to music. Enjoy the weather. Decide to move here. They do it in June.

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Short Trip
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Short Trip

Driving in a driving-rain isn’t what you’d expect. First of all, a driving-rain isn’t a rain perfect for driving. It’s just the opposite.

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Seasonal Thoughts
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Seasonal Thoughts

The rains are still falling and that’s good. The lakes and streams have yet to benefit, but I think that will come. Once the ground is saturated by these gentle rains, all we’ll need is a gully washer…

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Fall Thoughts
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Fall Thoughts

It’s amazing how long moisture stays in the ground when the sun isn’t beating down. In the summer a fair rain might last two days. In the fall, a fair rain hangs around as if it has nothing better to do.

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Strange Attractor
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Strange Attractor

It rained. One half of one inch. The ground is wet. I doubt any creek knows the difference. Still, it’s nice to be cool and wet.

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Earth Words
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Earth Words

One thing I’ve learned from my recent discovery of geology is this. Rivers dry up. Rivers change course. Rivers are anything but permanent.

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Stars and Birds
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Stars and Birds

It’s another fine fall morning. Venus is so bright in the dark before sunrise it seems unreal. As are the rest of the stars for that matter. Jupiter hangs shining in the west, while Orion’s belt tightens everything up in the Southwest.

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Fighting On
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Fighting On

Day five of my Covid experience. Feeling pretty good. The antiviral meds are making their presence known. I have a funny taste in my mouth. Oh, well. Small price to pay for the help.

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Standing Tall
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Standing Tall

My birds. They gather to eat and drink. The latter is new. It took them a while to realize a bird bath was in place. They get it now. But no one is bathing. They sit on the edge and sip.

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Rain Chances
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Rain Chances

Woke to the sound of thunder and rain. Glanced at the radar. Realized I’d missed the bulk of the storm. Here’s to sound sleep.

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Still Summer
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Still Summer

I walked outside this early morning ready for fall and got more summer. The air is still and hot. In a word, stultifying, although stifling is good too.

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Summer Plans
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Summer Plans

For the last two days I’ve joked with friends about celebrating fall-like weather simply because the temperature was in the low 90s during the day.

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